Focus HLS Training programs
Quality assurance in its nature will reveal your strengths and vulnerabilities in all three domains, the human factor, technology and procedures, but eventually it is the man behind the steering wheel that will have to react in routine and in emergency situations.
Our QA training programs is aimed at three levels:
Executive Level: Seminars and enriching lectures for decision makers, who wish to extend their horizon in the modern era of evolving security threats as well as updating solutions to mitigate the risks. This training will provide a new attitude for return on investments in security budget. In these sessions we will demonstrate, with our unique model, the level of preparedness of your organization both specifically and spectrum wide, supplying you with a powerful management tool to evaluate your security situational status in any given time.
Security Managers: Focus HLS QA methodology can be taught and custom made for your organization. The participants will be provided with the concept of QA in homeland security. They will receive the knowhow of a Red Teaming procedures and tools enabling them to check and measure the performances of the security deployment. They will also be familiarized with an analytic model enabling them to enhance and improve challenges discovered during the QA process.
Security Personnel: Focus HLS Training programs arespecialized in creating the predator mindset for Security personnel that are usually not being challenged in real events. Focus HLS trainings are combined of class lectures and field drills simulating reality.They are coordinated and developed in accordance with customer needs, locations and weaknesses, that were found by the security management level or by our QA process.
Our team of instructors have a vast field experience inIsraeli security agencies and have trained and mentored different security agencies and private companies worldwide. These advantages will enable all participants to sense security trainings not just from an academic level, but from a real combat point of view.